Psalm 19

From Psalm 19

The skies are shouting about you God. Every evening they declare your splendor in shades of orange and blue.

And in the morning you make your presence known, with golden beams that spread across the dawn. The heavens pour out your praises and brag of your fame.

Even at night your works speak love in cricket lullabies and in golden stars that twinkle. The moonlight whispers of your endless knowledge and marvelous kindness. Your creation-song ripples ever widening throughout the earth and there is not one place it cannot be heard.

You pitch the sky like a tent and place the sun there for all to see. Each day you bring it out joyfully like a bridegroom in search of his bride - like a champion who runs his course with expectation. It rises in one place and circuits steady to its end. Nothing is hidden from its wonderful light.

And just like your creation your ways are perfect too. They wake me up and give me life. My soul was in a sleepy dead stupor but you brought me life. Your declarations are solid making the simple-minded wise. The boundaries and directions you give keep me safe and make my heart rejoice. Your directives are pure and they open my eyes so I don’t have to walk in the dark. Honoring you is fitting and is what I want to do forever because You will never change. There is not one day that you will mess up do wrong or be undeserving of praise.

Your Word, it is true and right and more desirable than all the riches of this world. There is not one thing more valuable. It is like sweet honey that sticks to my soul. It becomes a part of me and brings me great joy.

Who can see her own errors or can recognize her own sin? But you God made a way for me to be pardoned. You took my sin and settled in.

Let your beautiful self sink into my soul so that my words and thoughts will be your very own. I will forever sing praises to you my God, Highest King who spreads His love over everything.


Psalm 18:28


Psalm 18:31-36